Tips for Getting Rid of Bugs, Insects, and Snakes Living in the desert has its perks—such as beautiful sunsets, mild winters, and endless hiking trails—but it also comes with a few annoying pests. Namely, Arizona based insects, scorpions, and snakes. Arizona is made up of 14 different biomes. Each biome is characterized by diverse vegetation, animals, bugs, insects, and more. This means that there are countless pests calling Arizona home. Whether you’re new to the Grand Canyon state or are a native, there are a few steps you can take to decrease the likelihood of coming across one of these...
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The summer heat in Arizona can really take a toll on livestock, especially horses! When temperatures start rising above 100 degrees, you have to take extra care to make sure your horses are comfortable. Whether you have just adopted a horse or have had one (or more) for years, this article will lay out 10 ways to keep your horse healthy in the summer!
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It’s that time of year again: the kids are anxiously awaiting the end of a long school year, and the temperatures are already rising! Summer is here, and if you’re a native of Arizona or have lived here in the summer, you know what that means: extreme temperatures and monsoons. It also means planning vacations out-of-state so you can get a break from the heat. Just like you prepare for summer activities and getaways, you should also prepare your house and yard for the summer heat! In this article you’ll find tips to get your home ready so you can...
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When your family needs a handyman to fix a leaky sink or it’s time to remodel your home (on a budget), a properly filled toolbox is a necessity. With the right tools, DIY projects and repairs can be fun and rewarding! Of course, if you’re a novice homeowner or new to the whole “DIY project” thing, it can be a bit overwhelming. But Shoppers Supply is here to help!
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These days, we all want to save money on everything that we can. Utilities are no exception! One of the benefits of efficient irrigation is the lower number you’ll see on the water bill every month. Plus as you already know, here in the desert, water is a precious commodity. We all want to do our part to conserve it! This article will help you set up an efficient irrigation system for your land so that your plants and animals get the water they need and nothing more—so you aren’t wasting any more H2O (and money). Read on for water-saving...
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