How to Keep Your Horse’s Hooves Healthy Horse hoof care is one of the most important, yet sometimes forgotten, requirements for a healthy horse. This article will provide some basic horse hoof care tips to help you get started! Your Friend, the Farrier The farrier is one of the most important partners you and your horse have, besides the veterinarian. Make sure you choose a reputable, experienced one that you can trust! The farrier trims hooves, inspects shoes, and detects and corrects any problems such as under-run heels, a club foot, or flare in the hoof walls. And of course,...
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Owning a dog can be a lot of work, but ask any dog owner and they’ll tell you the love and companionship you receive is well worth the time and effort! When you first bring home your new furry friend, you’ll be over joyed by how cute and loving they are. But more often than not, you’ll also quickly be overwhelmed by how un-trained they are, how frequently they pee (inside your house), and how much endless energy they seem to have...
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The summer heat in Arizona can really take a toll on livestock, especially horses! When temperatures start rising above 100 degrees, you have to take extra care to make sure your horses are comfortable. Whether you have just adopted a horse or have had one (or more) for years, this article will lay out 10 ways to keep your horse healthy in the summer!
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It’s that time of year again: the kids are anxiously awaiting the end of a long school year, and the temperatures are already rising! Summer is here, and if you’re a native of Arizona or have lived here in the summer, you know what that means: extreme temperatures and monsoons. It also means planning vacations out-of-state so you can get a break from the heat. Just like you prepare for summer activities and getaways, you should also prepare your house and yard for the summer heat! In this article you’ll find tips to get your home ready so you can...
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Looking for an adventure outdoors? A trail ride may be just the thing! Here in the southwest, horseback riding is a part of life. Descendants of cowboys who used to ride around town by horse and frequent the old saloon are still a part of the rural towns around Phoenix. This means you have plenty of horse stables and trails to choose from!
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A town of many ranchers, horses, etc. needed a farm store like Shopper’s Supply! It has many things the local hardware & feed store does not carry and at good prices too! Employees seem friendly & helpful, so a joy to shop. Like being able to bring my dog in with me!
Mary C.
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Keeping Your Livestock Healthy Year-Round
Keeping Your Livestock Healthy Year-Round
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